Saturday, May 30, 2020

Yodas 5 Tips to Kill Job Search Stress

Yoda's 5 Tips to Kill Job Search Stress 13 What if Jedi Master Yoda was a career coach? He might have said- “instability leads to anxiety. Anxiety leads to stress. Stress leads to lack of confidence. Lack of confidence leads to desperation, and people will have a hard time getting hired when they radiate such negativity” (ok, maybe that last part was added, but you get the idea). In other words, the sooner you alleviate yourself of that job search stress, the sooner you increase your chances of finding your next job. Here are 5 tips that work.eval Exercise and Repeat If you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, that load will lighten as you get stronger and into better shape. Forget about an expensive gym membership, any physical activities are good as long as you break a sweat. Staring at job listings in a muggy Tel Aviv Internet cafe doesn't qualify but walking to and from the cafe does. Aside from the positive metabolic effects, you don't need to be a bodybuilder to feel the soothing release of pent-up frustration during your exertion, but it will really only help you if you being to exercise regularly and make it part of your routine.eval Routines are Just Easier As Darlene McDaniel says, “if you are unemployed, your new job is to find a job”. Finding work is hard work. Simplifying this work will make it less stressful, and one of the best-known ways to simplify working is to get into a routine. Whether tossing pizza pies, blogging or grinding skulls, people improve their rhythm as they repeat the same task over and over, which is the whole point of a routine. As you get more comfortable with your daily agenda, your mind will need less effort for the scheduled tasks, allowing you to focus more effectively on what really matters like improving your networking skills and less on trying to decide which job board to visit that day. A Laugh A Day Keeps the Doctor Away I didn't say it first- believe it. Like exercise, laughing is a way to make you feel better about yourself, and the better you feel, the less likely you are to let stress bring you down. An episode of the Simpsons, the Daily Show or Ha'Israelim (Hebrew) is what does it for me, but video clips of your favorite comedian on YouTube can also be fun. If you prefer something to read, subscribe to a joke-a-day website or get the very popular Dilbert daily comic strip emailed to you. Dilbert will make you laugh especially if you've had corporate experience because you are guaranteed to recognize a situation in the comic from your own experience at least once a week. Feel Productive By Being Productive Stressing is like being stuck in a hole without a rope; tough to climb out of, and even if you might remember what it was like outside the hole, a lot of good that will do you now, right? With job hunting, it's easy to fall into the trap of feeling as if the hole is getting deeper as each day goes by without a new job in perspective…you're doing it right now…STOP. To continue the analogy, you could get out of the hole if you had tools, so do that. Organize your job search using websites such as JibberJobber or Isabont or even a single ta-da list, and as you check off the items and events, you will feel noticeably better. If you don't, come back and tell us, which leads in nicely to the next tip. Go it Alone Accompanied Doesn't it always seem as if your being unemployed is on condition of everyone around you being employed? In other words, people are sympathetic and they may even remember how they felt in a similar situation but otherwise, you're alone where it's easy to wallow while everyone else is off making the world turn. Nothing could be further from the truth in this day and age, and I hope that's why you're here reading this now. Participating in support groups such as the JobMob Community, Yahoo! Groups, local job clubs, etc. will help you realize that other people REALLY do know what you're going through and can help and will help. Bonus Tip â€" Have the Right Attitude Early This is a no-brainer. The longer a sore goes untreated, the more painful it will become. Think of being stressed as having a mental sore. If you follow these tips as early as possible in your job search, you may even avoid that mental sore completely but it's never too late to start. What tips have worked for you in keeping the job search stress away? Relax.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

5 Tips for Dealing with Change

5 Tips for Dealing with Change Dealing with change can be one of the most stressful parts of our lives. It’s no news flash that we live in a world of change.   From our own homes, to the places we work, and all the way to the level of international culture, politics, and business, change has become the one thing we can be sure of.   Having a toolkit to better handle the frequent changes in life is becoming as important as the connections we maintain with our smartphones.   Here’s some tools to add to yours. Keeping Change in Perspective Humans are egocentric beings.   We filter what’s going on around us through our own eyes.   Sometimes, that means we have inaccurate perspectives about what’s happening in our own little part of the world.   It’s easy to feel like we’re the only one who is experiencing the drama or trauma around us. Stop.   Take a moment to raise your eyes from your two square feet of the earth and get in touch with the rest of your home.   Or workplace.   Or country. Making the effort to see the world through other people’s eyes can create an enormous shift in your own feelings.   A perfect example is the change that’s happening in cultures all over the world.   While China has seen a huge increase in tourism, to the vast majority of the world it remains only a vague concept.   Probably the most common notion that we’ve all heard is how cheap Chinese labor has affected world markets.   But Financial Times recently did a series on “The End of The Chinese Miracle.” It vividly illustrates how change in our world’s commerce models has affected millions of Chinese citizens.   Once confident of a better life and prosperity, they now worry. Just as you and I do.   The video here is one of the most moving and educational I’ve ever seen, and is only one part of a series that Financial Times has created that can be found here. Five Simple Tools For Dealing With Change Gain perspective. While it may feel like you’re the only one going through this, you’re not. Yes, we all want more of the “good life.”   In the process of striving for it, remember to want what you already have, rather than being solely focused on having what you want. Return to nature. Our roots are not in the concrete and physical creations around us, they are in the earth beneath.     Take time to embrace the natural world and all the beauty it contains. Some of the best therapy is in helping others.   Or, maybe it’s just a hug or a smile or a simple “thank you” that changes someone   else’s life and yours at the same instant. No matter who you are, all your times at bat won’t net a home run.   Change and setbacks happen.     Maintain the attitude that the current change is just part of your life story playing out and whatever is next will not only be perfect for you but an exciting new adventure. Change image adapted from  Conal Gallagher

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Build Your Core Identify Your Personal Work Life Commandments Marla Gottschalk

Build Your Core Identify Your Personal Work Life Commandments Marla Gottschalk Photo by Felicia Buitenwerf on Unsplash I firmly believe that exploring who you truly are as a contributor is vital to leading a happy, fulfilling work life. In my recent work with managers, (read more about that here) we build upon the work of Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project to explore the essence of their work lives â€" to harvest what they require to solidify their own managerial brand. The process begins with an inquiry into what makes us tick at work â€" and how to acknowledge that individualized blueprint. In this post, Rubin discusses the identification of a set of personal commandments which serve as an over-arching umbrella to approach our lives. This exercise is easily applied to work life, and is fundamental to working toward an adequate level of self-awareness. Your first thought may be that you do not have the “ingredients” to develop your own list of commandments, yet I urge you to do so. You have likely already considered (faced and applied) many of the commandments that you will include. Above all, be true to yourself and how you approach your work life. Here are a few of my guiding commandments: Seek inspiration daily. When in doubt, reach out, share. Preserve ideas. Respect them. Explore them. Value goals, but let go of them if needed. Connect the dots for others. Here are a few ideas to help you identify your own work life commandments: What feeds your work life? What drives you? What does your inner voice tell you to seek? What advice do you offer others? What would you say to your younger work life self? What words of wisdom resonate?  As Rubin mentions, words of wisdom and shared advice or guidance often stick with us for the long haul. Note what has stayed with you. What do you object to? Think of situations when you felt that someone received the short end of the stick. What happened? What would you have done differently? Why youve left a role. Look back on when youve been tempted (or actually left) a job? Why did you leave? What was broken? What you are seeking? What are you looking for at your next role? What are the guiding values within an organization or team would attract you? What is missing in your current role? This takes time. Build your list of commandments as they strike you. Revise as you evolve. Dr. Marla Gottschalk is an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist. She examines the effect of Core Stability on work life with The Core Training. A charter member of the LinkedIn Influencer Program â€" her thoughts on work life have appeared in various outlets including Talent Zoo, Forbes, Quartz and The Huffington Post.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Position Yourself for the Career You Want Not the Job You Have - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Position Yourself for the Career You Want Not the Job You Have - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career I prefer the term career over the term job. A job is a single occurrence, while a career is something built over the course of your life.   A career is typically made up of many jobs.   Sometimes they are interrelated and other times there is no real direction, therefore there are multiple careers leading to nowhere.   Im not into the word job or job searching because I believe they are old terms and an old way of thinking.   The new terms are people and people searching and weve realized the change in purpose and career path due to the accessibility and connections made through the web.   Ive been thinking a lot about positioning lately, which is why today I want to direct your attention to something I both believe in and hold to be mandatory in a world where the future is uncertain. Position yourself for the career you want not the job you have. This big idea will change the face of how people brand themselves online and how they position themselves for success.   My belief is that most people arent breakout stars or experts.   A network isnt built overnight either.   Also, you cant have everything you want today, which is where sacrifice and dedication come in. Your goal is to command your career and create your future. Its not where you are, its where youre going I tend to examine a lot of online profiles to see whose doing things right and who is less forward thinking.   Most people seem to be caught up in the moment, without really think about where they are heading in their careers.   When this occurs, they tend to stay exactly where they are, without much progression.   Of course, many people have different aspirations, but from most surveys Ive read, 80% of people hate their jobs. If you want to be able to make money doing what you love, you have to (and I repeat) have a future plan or destination.   Whether youre a consultant, entrepreneur, youre currently employed or youve been laid off, the same idea applies: position yourself today to become a player in that area tomorrow. Forget your job title and focus on your brand I want you to examine the picture on the right. Youll notice that there are two LinkedIn profiles, but both are positioned very different.   What most people dont know about LinkedIn, is that the headline in your profile is the single most important element.   If youve filled our your LinkedIn profile information, your last job title and company appear in your headline automatically, unless you revise it manually. If you dont update this field, then your title and company become your brand.   This is terrible for a few main reasons. When someone goes to search for someone with your expertise, they wont find you.   No recruiter or hiring manager is goin to type in Senior Account Executive.   If they type in sports and LinkedIn, they may find Lewis though. Do you think Mike really wants to be known as a Senior Account Executive for Eclipse Financial, Inc.?   Do you think he wakes up every single day with a smile and he wants to be in that position for the rest of his life?   I would say theres an 80% chance hes doesnt!   I could be wrong though. You wont get any opportunities that reflect your passion and others will, causing you to stay stagnant in your career. This LinkedIn example is just one.   Most people arent thinking about their futures so all of their online properties and offline ones, such as   business card, arent positioning them for success. Your turn How are you positioning yourself online and offline?

Saturday, May 16, 2020

How to Find the Best Resume Writing Services

How to Find the Best Resume Writing ServicesAre you looking for resume writing services in Fresno California? Are you a professional that needs to make your resume stand out among the competition? Make sure you take the time to research and find the best companies to meet your needs.One of the best ways to find the best resume writing services in Fresno is to conduct your search through online directories and through word of mouth. If you are familiar with the job market in Fresno, then it is highly likely that there are resumes that your friends, co-workers, and relatives have received that you can use to increase your chances of finding the best possible solution for your resume writing needs.If you are already working in Fresno and already know some of the resume writing services you are interested in, then you should familiarize yourself with the best companies from their company's portfolio. Having access to this will allow you to know which company is reliable enough to provide you with their skills and talents in the form of skilled writers.Another way of making sure that you find the best possible services is to conduct a free interview with a few of the companies and ensure that they are able to meet all of your resume writing needs. If you know a few people who have previously worked with a particular company, then you can also ask them about it or you can talk to an employee at the company.If you're going to use the internet as your source of information, then you should look for online reviews and testimonials that are specific to the company in question. By reading these reviews and testimonies, you will be able to get a better idea of what the company is like.Companies that focus on resume writing services tend to have a larger number of clients who have already used their services. They may even have testimonials that you can read on websites such as theBetter Business Bureau and the Chamber of Commerce.The best way to find the right resume writi ng services is to sign up with a company that has a customer satisfaction guarantee and testimonials that are written by actual customers of the company. This can allow you to compare the service of a few companies and choose the one that meets your needs.Keep in mind that not every freelance and local resume writing services are able to provide you with the same level of quality as the professional resume writer. In order to have the best possible services, you need to look for those that have created resume writing for the Fresno CA market before and you need to have a written request that outlines exactly what you need.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Summary Sunday Take Control of Your Job Search

Summary Sunday Take Control of Your Job Search Get the knowledge and tools to take control of your job search! Are you ruining your job interview or the chance of getting found on LinkedIn?   Fix it fast! Youll get LinkedIn profile tips,  productivity tips, a social media cleanup checklist and more! You can take control of your job search by learning some new tricks!   This is a weekly roundup of articles Ive shared this week. Youll learn what NOT to do in job interviews, LinkedIn tips and cool tricks, and see a new tool to help you read and understand people better. Hope you enjoy and if you find one you like, please, share it! JOB INTERVIEWS These 17 Job Interview Behaviors Are a Huge Turnoff (and Will Negatively Affect Your Chances of Being Hired) by Peter Economy | Inc. FACT: every corporate job opening, on average,  attracts 250 résumés. But only 4-6 of these people will be called for an interview, and only one of those will be offered a job according to Glassdoor research. Dont make mistakes that will eliminate you. These are the top 5 things that turnoff interviewers: Arriving late to an interview (93%) Whining (92%) Showing lack of preparation (89%) Bad-mouthing a former boss (88%) Bad-mouthing a former company (87%) Go see the other 12 things! LINKEDIN What Kind of LinkedIn Magic Gets You to the Top of a Search? by Wayne Breitbarth, Power Formula | on LinkedIn Make improvements to your LinkedIn profile and how you are using it and begin to see immediate results! Adding Symbols Bullets to Your LinkedIn Profile by Donna Serdula | LinkedIn Makeover Your LinkedIn summary is a great place to use symbols since LinkedIn doesnt offer formatting options. Youll get access to the symbols you can use immediately to add visual appeal to your  summary! CAREER 5 Hacks to Increase Productivity in the Workplace by Robert Wells | Allocable Since every person struggles with how to be more productive, learn when the best time is to hold a meeting, send emails, work on projects that require creativity and more! FACEBOOK 4 Creative Ways Recruiters Are Leveraging Facebook by Jacqui Barrett-Poindexter, Career Trend | Glassdoor for Employers Yes, recruiters do use Facebook when evaluating job candidates. See why they are doing it! COOL TOOL Crystal If youve ever wanted to write better emails, you know, the ones that will actually get results Or maybe you just want to communicate better with a co-worker. Youll need to match your communication style with the personality of the person youre writing to. Now there is a tool to help you figure this out! Give it a whirl and see how it works (its free). MENTIONS Quick Tips to Clean Up Your Social Media Profiles When Job Searching US News World Report On Careers Take steps to clean up your social media profiles. This wont take long!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Why You Should Pay Attention to Glassdoor Inside Connections

Why You Should Pay Attention to Glassdoor Inside Connections Glassdoor recently launched Inside Connections, a Facebook application that allows users to find information on who their friends know at various companies. This information can be leveraged to build relationships and gain valuable introductions that could lead to job opportunities. At first glance, the platform appears very similar to two other Facebook applications, BranchOut and BeKnown, but Glassdoor offers something that is very unique and is not available on any of the top networking sites, including LinkedIn.I have been recommending Glassdoor to my clients for several years because it offers a treasure trove of information on companies including self-reported salary information, reviews of companies from insiders, and information on the type of interview questions people have been asked at specific companies. But now, users can supplement this information with a new network of contacts that may be able to get them one step closer to the decision maker at a company they are int erested in working for.As a job seeker, you need every competitive edge you can find. Glassdoor has always been a great tool for career-related research. With the new networking features, I think it is a must have for anyone conducting a serious job search. You can watch a quick video on Glassdoor Inside Connections   here.